Wednesday, December 17, 2008

PR versus Journalism—The Constant Dance

For the past 15 years my BOCA colleagues and I have been working in tech PR. There has always been the “dance” between PR and journalism. One must respect each other, be authentic and trustworthy – we must provide solid value (on both ends) to each other. We are a team, partners – not enemies. At the end of the day, we are in the same business—news and telling real stories.

When I first started, the struggle was there, but not to the caliber that I see today. It saddens me to see this kind of animosity and lack of respect. While many of the comments make sense – I would like to see how many of us can think about common respect versus pointed fingers, blame and anger.

While I do understand the stance against bad, un-thoughtful PR, I would like to applaud Marshall Kirkpatrick for his follow-up article “Entrepreneurs: We Will Happily Respect Your Embargoes.”

I respect embargos, BOCA respects embargos – point.




Spark PR called out…