Thursday, January 22, 2009

A New Day and a New Era...

Yes, I should have blogged on Jan. 20 but I was too busy watching all the other commentary. It is very exciting to see what the US is embarking on. We have a Democrat back in the office and probably one of the most attractive families I've personally seen in a long time.

I don't believe in talking too much politics in business. Being in Silicon Valley there are many Republicans and many Democrats and I really don't want to get in the middle of "personal political" debates. That being said though, I love to debate and I love to talk politics.

I will find it interesting to watch how this administration unfolds. I believe many people are putting Obama on a pedestal and that expectations are very high. But, he is only a man, not a saint. It takes everybody together in the same boat, paddling in the same direction to make change. I personally believe in a higher consciousness.

I look at the bailouts and I think, wow…if a Silicon Valley, start-up ran companies the way some of the big “boys” do, the CEOs would have been voted out by the board a long time ago. I personally think, if I didn’t pay my bills and debts, I would be kicked out of my wonderful home and my car would be impounded. But, here is a secret. My car won’t be impounded because I own it. I own my car my scooter and I have no credit card debt. I personally believe that one should live within their means – I live within mine. I feel no need to keep up with the Jones, the Smiths, the Finkelsteins. I am who I am and I am who I can afford.

I am not perfect in any way. But, I would like to see people take responsibility for their lives and own up to what they can really own. As an American, I promise to pay my bills and be a better contributor to society. It has to start within. He cannot do it alone.

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