Wednesday, June 12, 2013

DataStax: Cassandra (C*) Summit - A Success

DataStax: Cassandra (C*) Summit

The sun is out and the weather is warm again, it is finally summer in San Francisco. Aside from the pleasantries the beginning of summer brings, it also marks the time for our client DataStax's Cassandra (C*) Summit. The 3rd annual C* Summit got underway yesterday at Fort Mason in San Francisco. 

This year DataStax was able to draw over 1,500 attendees and a select group of their major customers such as Netflix, Ooyala, and more. BOCA was also able to secure some great media and analyst attendees for the event as well. Their attendance made for some great coverage around DataStax and their event, take a look at some of the coverage BOCA was able to secure:

BOCA is honored to represent such a great client who is making such a serious wave in the Enterprise. The C* Summit really speaks volumes for how quickly their company is growing and how popular they have become. Just 3 years ago they only had 11 customers but are now boasting a customer list of over 300 customers, including 20 of the Fortune 100. 

Our joint in-house and BOCA team have made some great strides and we are looking forward to continued success with DataStax. We just love working with Alex, Lara and the rest of the executive management team - we are impressed daily.  As they wrap up their conference later today, we would like to wish them well for a great finish to the event. You can follow them on TwitterLinkedIn, and Facebook to keep up with the rest of the conference and all things DataStax. 

-BOCA Team

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