Tuesday, September 22, 2009

CTIA - Very Excited

Maybe b/c I am a mobile enthusiast - maybe b/c we have a client announcing some cool news or maybe b/c I look forward to learning about new technologies and companies, but the net/net is that I am very much looking forward to CTIA.

CTIA is a great show with all sorts of mobile CE to how the health care industry is building wi-fi enabled applications. I've also worked in this sector for some time - so while many people consider tradeshows a bother, I consider it a joy.

I look forward to seeing you at CTIA.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lessons Learned - New Biz Pitch Gone Wrong

Every agency at some point walks out of a pitch and thinks wow...that was really bad. And, I am sure the prospect things...wow - they are horrible. I know that BOCA is a fantastic agency. And, I know our clients think we are smart, savvy, sophisticated and results oriented. We get their business and we get their culture.

But, sometimes people/business/etc. fall on their faces. BOCA did that the other week. I worked so hard on a pitch. But, the word in that sentence is "I." I worked on the pitch in a silo. I didn't bring the team in; we didn't collaborate and we didn't practice. Moreover, during the meeting, I didn't listen or pay attention to signals.

I felt bad walking out of the pitch. But, then I reflected and I do believe that everything happens for a reason. Rather than drowning in self pity or feeling sorry for the company (which I did for a few days) it is about how do we get better, smarter and more organized.

So, that said, I will learn from my mistakes. The team will learn from their mistakes. We will collaborate, we will listen and pay attention to signals and we will grow.

We are a boutique. And, while we are all senior - there are growing pains with every company - big or small.

We learned our lesson and will grow from our pain.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Site Update/New Biz Update/My New Flip Camera

I do love the look and feel of the BOCA site. But, since we launched it about a year and a half ago - we haven't done ourselves justice. We receive such great coverage for our clients and have very good case studies. But, we have not profiled it the way it should be.

That said - I recently engaged with a graphics guy to create some visually compelling clips to showcase our clients in the news. I am so excited to have that. I will state I am shocked I didn't have it upon launch - my bad.

I am also obsessed with updating our new biz presentations. The look and feel is getting better, but I want audio and video. Therefore, I bought a Flip camera. We just did our first customer testimonial and it turned out very nice. I figure who better to tell the story than our client. My goal is to embed the clip in our PPT and then showcase the results. It hasn't happened yet...but it will.

I am having fun with my Flip camera. All this stuff...so much technology - one must try to stay on top of it.

The new content should be up in a week or two...so look out.