Thursday, April 16, 2015

Most Powerful PR Lessons from Calvin and Hobbes

We previously shared with you how a well-known secret agent’s advice can make you a stronger tech PR professional. This time, we turn to a mischievous child and his imaginary best friend for more lessons. Here you have it, nine valuable PR lessons from Calvin and Hobbes.  

You Can Turn Something Ordinary into Something Extraordinary  
Tired of seeing the same old press releases or byline content? Take a new perspective. Calvin and Hobbes continually turn an ordinary cardboard box into ingenious inventions like a time travel machine, clone duplicator and animal transformer. While you may think a press release is just another press release, it has the power to be more than that. Change your perspective and challenge yourself to turn something ordinary into something extraordinary. 

Understand What Distinguishes a Good Brand from a Great One
Calvin and Hobbes creator Bill Watterson is notorious for prohibiting licensed merchandise and ending his comic strip once it peaked. His bold moves kept Calvin and Hobbes relevant for decades, while other comic strips faded into obscurity. Always be mindful when working on product launches, contributed content and PR campaigns. Does your strategy cheapen or strengthen the image your client is trying to build?

Unpleasant Tasks Build Character
Calvin’s father constantly utters the phrase “it builds character” when he tells Calvin to do something he hates like shoveling snow or cleaning the house. There are lessons in every task no matter how much you dislike it and how mundane it may appear. Remembering this helps make reoccurring PR work like building media lists, filling out time sheets or reviewing briefing documents more enjoyable and worthwhile.   

Know the Difference Between Fantasy and Reality
Just as Calvin uses his imagination to make life more intriguing, always recognize what’s feasible and what isn’t. While you may want your client featured in the The Wall Street Journal, a more focused, mid-tier publication might be better a fit. Dream big, but stay rooted in reality so you can bring in solid wins for your customers. 
Know When to Walk Away from Work
Tech PR requires you to hustle. However, it’s critical for your well being that you also make time for your friends, family and personal hobbies. For instance, Calvin’s dad often works extra hours at home. However, he understands the importance of bonding with Calvin on those rare school snow days that will vanish once Calvin becomes an adult. Moments like those don’t last forever. So, if it means working later or getting an earlier start the next day to spend time with your loved ones, then make that sacrifice.

Don’t Always Follow the Crowd
Calvin often drives his teachers, classmates and parents crazy, but they recognize his potential and admire his capability to surprise them. Channel your inner Calvin in team meetings or via email and share creative ideas that may go against the norm.  

Learn to Wear Multiple Hats
Calvin can transform himself into Stupendous Man, Spaceman Spiff and Tracer Bullet at will, preventing him from becoming a one-dimensional character. In PR, your willingness to tackle multiple job roles will make you more valuable to your peers and prevent you from becoming a one-trick pony. So, like Calvin, learn to juggle multiple hats so you can please clients, build relationships with media, write stellar releases and vet speaking and awards with ease. 

Know the Consequences of Being Too Mischievous
Calvin fans know that he gets into way too much trouble. Getting grounded for locking the babysitter outside, dropping a giant snowball on his neighbor and other mischievous tasks cause him a lot of grief. While most people know better, make sure you act professionally on social media, in the office and at networking events. It’s okay to share jokes and make light of situations, but going too far like Calvin might get you into trouble.

Be There for Your PR Family
Throughout all their ups and downs Calvin and Hobbes remain best friends. Reporters, PR professionals and clients all need each other to do their jobs effectively. Even though you may not always agree with them, be sure to handle disagreements with tact. 
While Calvin and Hobbes has entertained fans for year, the lessons within the comic strip offer more than just entertainment. As you traverse the world of PR remember these powerful lessons from this adventurous duo. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

What Makes BOCA a Great Place to Work

BOCA has some exciting news to share (drum roll, please). SF Business Times has recognized us as a “Best Places to Work” finalist! The awards ceremony isn’t until April 14, so we don’t know how high we rank. However, we wanted to take this opportunity to share with you what makes BOCA a great company to work for.

Inventive Holiday and Work Celebrations
Everyone at BOCA works hard to meet client expectations, but we also prioritize having fun off the clock too. On Halloween, the BOCA staff showed its alter ego. For Thanksgiving, we participated in a holiday potluck at the Hamilton Building. During the Christmas holiday, we went to the historic SF Cavalier Bar and rode a cable car while eating pizza and drinking wine. Then we headed to Silver Cloud to perform an epic round of Karaoke. Finally, we celebrated St. Patrick’s Day at Kells, and as a parting gift to two BOCAteers leaving for Argentina, we went to Rogue Ale House.

In addition to the main holidays, we have on-site parties with live music, free food and wine tasting. We use the Mat (a converted Laundromat that now serves as our lunchroom) to celebrate work anniversaries and welcome new employees. 

BOCA Cares About Employee Health
Employee health is paramount at BOCA. We pride ourselves on maintaining a positive environment and pet-friendly office, and balancing hard work with a healthy lifestyle. We encourage daily walks around the block, and some of our staff even take advantage of a treadmill desk. If anyone doesn’t feel well, we insist they work from home or take some off time. At BOCA, if you’re not happy we’re not happy, and we will do whatever it takes to ensure you feel welcome here.

BOCA Gives Back to The Community
BOCA loves to volunteer for good causes whenever possible. Back in 2013, we did a winter clothing drive for the homeless and this year a few BOCAteers plan to join our client Jitterbit for their annual Waves to Wine bike race. It’s an intense bike ride, but we’re excited to take on the challenge and support the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

A Great Office Environment
Our chief culture officer Laura Golden has done an amazing job taking care of our office and making sure everything runs smoothly. She always ensures we have enough food, snacks and drinks available, that our Wi-Fi works, assists with client driving, prepares lunches for on-site meetings and always keeps the office looking brand new. 

BOCA Works From Anywhere
Not everyone works efficiently in a corporate environment all day. So it’s a blessing that BOCA is located in North Beach and our team can work from anywhere. Whether it’s a nearby coffee shop like Columbus Café, the library or the park, a change of scenery does wonders for our productivity.

Classroom-Style Learning
BOCA is not just an office space. Here you have the opportunity to gain new skills. Any interns we hire complete a PR 101 training program and learn the ropes of tech PR. We also routinely invite guest speakers to share their expertise in venture capitalism, conferences, financial advice, etc. Additionally, we hold the occasional office meeting to discuss morning news, share best practices for emails and more.

BOCA’s a Family
When we refer to our agency as the BOCA family, we’re not being facetious. We all have our individual job duties, but we thrive as a team and achieve work goals we couldn’t accomplish on our own. BOCAteers are always available to lend a helping hand for those who need it, whether it’s writing assignments, media relations or sharing relevant resources. We also like to give shout-outs to team members on email and in person. Lastly, for all BOCAteers’ first day of work we treat them to a morning coffee and take them out to lunch. 

Room For Growth
At BOCA, you’ll grow with the company and eventually become a stronger BOCAteer. BOCA has a unique staffing model that lets employees play to their strengths. If your talent is writing, you’re welcome to focus completely on writing. If pitching reports comes naturally to you, then focus on media relations. Working at BOCA is not just a job, it’s a career, and we’re always looking to help you reach your full potential.

Work with World-Class Tech Clients
Being near Silicon Valley means the opportunity to work with big-name tech clients alongside high-profile media publications. You’ll always learn at BOCA and often get a sneak peek at the hot tech news before it hits the media.

An Owner Who Genuinely Cares About Staff
Lastly, we’re very fortunate to have an owner who really cares about our health and career growth. Our founder, Kathleen Shanahan, personally gets to know each of our staff members and always takes into considerations how bringing in new employees will impact current employees. If bringing in a new hire blocks BOCAteers from climbing the career ladder, she’ll pass on the hire. 

We are humbled that SF Business Times selected us as a finalist, and we will continue to foster a welcoming environment for new BOCAteers and veterans alike. Keep your eyes on the SF Business Times website during the April 14 awards ceremony and cheer us on alongside the other finalists.