Thursday, June 24, 2010

Know Thy Message

Last night I attended a networking function for entrepreneurs in NYC and had the pleasure of meeting a number of professionals who were selling a variety of interesting products or services. These people ranged from a gentleman who was using online video in what I thought was a novel way to a “relationship manager” who served women who were having difficulty staying in romantic relationships. And while all the people I met were clearly very passionate about what they do, a number of them suffered from the same problem: they didn’t have a clear message.

Though “messaging” is an often overused term in our industry, the value of doing it well can not be overstated. So, what exactly do I mean by “messaging?” In this context, messaging is the core language that we use to describe either what our company does or its primary value to the customer. Larger companies usually have their messaging nailed down but entrepreneurs will often begin selling their products or services before they do so.

One example of the latter was a woman who is selling what she told me was healthy coffee. (I gather it is infused with nutrients that traditional coffee doesn’t have while also containing significantly less caffeine.) However, she then handed me two business cards for her company, each one sporting a completely different message! The first one had a tagline that read “It’s Easy. It’s Simple. It’s Coffee” while the second read “Change Your Coffee, Change Your Life.” Needless to say, I thought the second message was far more powerful than the first. However, that’s a matter of opinion. What can not be debated, however, is that she needs to spend more time thinking about who her customer is, what message would resonate most strongly with this group, and then stick to that message. Once she does, then in my estimation, she will be ready to aggressively promote her business. As things stand now, she risks confusing everyone. Which is why, before beginning any marketing campaign, it’s critical to, as we like to say in the PR world, “know thy message!”

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Power of a Plan - Building a Plan around an Issue (Thought Leadership)

I have a saying, "build a plan, execute a plan and you have a result."

One day someone asked me “what do PR people not do enough of? “

My answer: think. We don't think enough.

People in general are so busy doing and responding to demands/requests that we don't sit back and think about the following:

- What are we trying to accomplish here?

- What is the big news and how can my client play a role in it?

- What are the assets I have to work with?

- What is my plan of attack?

It is so important to sit back and ponder about the key issues of today and determine how can we pro-actively insert our client's voice into those issues.

BOCA recently sat down with Devicescape to ponder - "What is going on in the world that is relevant to Devicescape." Once we mapped it out, we built a plan.

There is a major issue taking place with global carriers right now—Data Capping. AT&T, Sprint, O2 and others are capping their “all you can eat” data plans. Why? Carriers didn’t realize how much rich media people would actually use (nor be created by app developers). In turn, no one knew truly how expensive all this would be.

How does Devicescape fit in?

Devicescape is working with carriers around the world (Deutsche Telekom, The Cloud, Softbank) and device manufacturers (Nintendo, Nokia, RIM) to help solve the data problem. Devicescape is part of the Wireless Broadband Alliance, an organization where global carriers and leading WiFi companies are coming together to discuss bandwidth constraints, 3G offloading and the role of WiFi.

Carriers need to offload the traffic to WiFi. Device manufacturers need to build in WiFi capabilities to all the new devices (smartphones, tablets, gaming consoles, digital cameras) enabling them to run on this cheaper, faster network.
Devicescape’s CEO Dave Fraser has something to say and proof to back his opinions. He can add value and insight to stories.

BOCA mapped out a plan and is now delivering against that plan which equals results.

AT&T, Verizon Join Wi-Fi Roaming Group
Stephen Lawson

Wireless Week
Devicescape Benefits from 3G Congestion
By Maisie Ramsay

AT&T & Verizon Wireless join Wi-Fi interoperability group
Marguerite Reardon;relnews

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Paul Boutin of VentureBeat & NYT - An Informal Interview

Last Friday we were fortunate to have Reporter Paul Boutin join us at the BOCA office. Thank you Paul!!!

Many people know Paul in the tech sector because he is an esteemed reporter with VentureBeat and the NYT. He also has written for Wired, the Wall Street Journal and Valleywag. Additionally, after studying at MIT, he worked there for several years on Project Athena.

What we learned about what Paul is up to these days...

Paul writes at least once a month for the New York Times, and his ultimate goal is to “give the reader what they want” while answering some of the most important technological questions, such as, how does one deal with technology in their own personal lives?

We spoke about the power of Twitter, and how it connects celebrities with their fans, but most importantly, how content on the internet is invaluable, and “the power of the click” is not only dominated by the number of clicks, but the time any person spends looking on a page, and the content that is presented. Lesson we continue to learn - content is King!

As technology continues to progress, we can only hope to see some amazing things on the horizon, and we thank Paul Boutin for taking the time to come out and chat with us!

BOCA - Facebook Fan Page

We were blogging regularly and the universal BOCA (we) promise to get back in the rhythm. That said, we continue to update our Facebook Fan page with everything from our great successes with Shipwire - the Export Vision 2010 - thought leadership initiative to the soft launch of studies coming soon.

When we don't have an update - please just visit Facebook and you can learn about all the great activity taking place at BOCA.