Friday, October 17, 2014

Introducing the New Faces of BOCA: Jordan Eggers

It’s time to meet our new content writer Jordan Eggers! Originally from California, Jordan grew up in the Central Valley before settling in the Bay Area in her teens. Prior to writing, she originally wanted to teach, and although she enjoyed assisting in classrooms and teaching abroad in Chiang Mai, Thailand, she didn’t see it as something she wanted to do long term.

The turning point for her was when she met Jean Dickinson, previously head of the journalism department at Diablo Valley College who inspired her to give writing a shot and eventually pursue graduate school. At the time, Jordan didn’t know if she'd find her passion and felt pretty lost with what she wanted to do, but Jean helped guide her on the correct career path.

Currently, Jordan is happy pursuing her writing career at BOCA. If she wasn’t working in PR, she’d be interested in teaching at the college level so she could help influence students like Jean influenced her.

1. How would your friends and family describe you?
They’d say I’m goofy, down to earth and genuine. I’m also an outdoor person and enjoy spending time with my fiancé and dog hanging out at parks, going camping and taking long road trips.

2. How did you hear about BOCA and what are your job duties?
When I saw the opportunity it looked appealing to me. I was impressed with BOCA’s website, blog and social media.

Most importantly, the company had a great atmosphere and culture. I think that’s amazing and such a rare find. As for my job duties, I write bylines and press releases, conduct interviews with clients to understand their message and assist our other writers with assignments.

3. If you could be an animal for a day what would you be?
An eagle because one, their badass and at the top of the food chain, and two, I don’t want any other birds swooping in to kill me. Also, I want the ability to fly all over and see everything.

4. What’s your favorite food?
I love Mexican food, and I’ll eat potatoes in any shape or form.

5. Where would you like to travel?
I want to travel everywhere, but I’d love to go to the Netherlands. I have friends there, and I’d liked to see them since they’ve visited me before when they came to the US. In general, though, I’d really just like to explore Europe and all the history it has to offer.

6. Which famous person would you like to have a 30-minute conversation with?
I’d want to talk to lots of people like Mark Cuban because he’s a little bit of a hustler, and I like that, but I’d have to say my grandpa.

I admire his business ethics, and I feel I missed the opportunity to have an important conversation with him about finances. He was so good with money, and I think he’d have a lot of interesting insights to share with me about how he got started and what kept him motivated.

For example, he worked at a gas station and then saved enough money to buy it. Then he used the money made there to purchase a home and rent it out, and then buy another property and repeat the process. Saving money is all about reinvesting it in something to make more money. He even bought a farm eventually. I thought it was really inspiring how hard he worked, and I wish I could have those conversations with him today.

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